Sunday, November 09, 2008

The movement of fresh air is deadly

So say the majority of my language class. They are convinced that my recent bout of the common cold was brought about by not dressing warmly enough and all that poisonous fresh air to which I am exposed whilst riding my bike.

I missed a couple of days of school last week due to feeling utterly awful. When I returned to class, there was a firm consensus and a fair bit of tut-tutting about my general disregard for just how deadly moving air can be. I was half expecting someone to suggest a course of leaches to rid my body of its ill humour.

I have my own theory on how I fell victim to this pernicious illness. Shall I tell you? I got sick because for the last couple of weeks I sat in a stuffy classroom surrounded by a couple of people who thought it was appropriate to come to class when they were sick. One in particular, I’ll just call him Typhoid Mary, sneezed, sniffed and coughed his way through the past two weeks of lessons.


Jul said...

Something about the collective wisdom of German classes... I was in a class last summer that took place in a stifling hot room. We had a fan in the room, but we couldn't run it... it would have caused us all to get stiff necks and possibly colds! I told them to plop the fan down in front of me, I was willing to risk it. But alas, no.

Helen said...

I feel you pain.
Thanks for dropping by.

Helen said...

damn that missing 'r'. I meant to say I feel your pain. derrr.